Results for 'Miquel Francés I. Domènec'

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  1. El nuevo espacio televisivo: el valor estratégico de los contenidos.Miquel Francés I. Domènec - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 84:108-110.
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  2. „Europa regională”.Miquel Roca I. Junyent - 1995 - Polis 3:53.
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  3. The Loneliest Journey.Frances I. Jackson - 1949
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    El legado del genio griego.Miquel Costa I. Llobera - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1317-1347.
    La tribu de los nativos del poblado de Ses Paysses reacciona con odio y violencia ante la presencia de los extraños griegos. Nuredduna descubre en la finura de espíritu del rapsoda Melesigeno que existe un nuevo mundo que enriquece su condición humana. La gran estatua de Nuredduna, de Remigia Caubet, en el Paseo Marítimo de Palma, muestra a Nuredduna mirando al mar con la mano extendida como esperando la llegada del extranjero que la abrirá a un nuevo mundo de harmonía, (...)
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  5. Reports and Information.I. France - 1993 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 9:391.
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    Assessing fidelity in XAI post-hoc techniques: A comparative study with ground truth explanations datasets.Miquel Miró-Nicolau, Antoni Jaume-I.-Capó & Gabriel Moyà-Alcover - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 335 (C):104179.
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    El ADN: un microcosmos al servicio de la justicia.Francesc Frances I. Bozal - 2016 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    Carles Rahola i Serra Hunter, una amistat intel·lectual.Miquel Verdaguer I. Turró - 2007 - Girona: Curbet Comunicació Gràfica Edicions. Edited by Josep-Maria Terricabras.
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  9. Culte a Ramon Llull: discòrdies i controvèrsies.Miquel Ferrer I. Florez - 2001 - Studia Lulliana 41 (97):65-89.
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    El meu nom és Assange, Julian Assange (i vull llicència per informar).Miquel Comas I. Oliver - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:129-139.
    En contra de les aparences, la meva intenció és ridiculitzar i desactivar l’estratègic ús de referències a personatges de ficció per part dels mass media, els quals pretenen identificar el fundador de WikiLeaks amb tot aquest projecte —quelcom que facilita tant la deslegitimació com la mercantilització. Així, aquest article qüestiona la dominant personalització de la web de filtracions en Julian Assange, tot mostrant algunes de les més rellevants diferències i/o contradiccions entre el rerefons normatiu de WikiLeaks i la pseudo-filosofia política (...)
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    De Platon à Matrix: l'âme du monde: hommage à Jean-François Mattéi.Jean-François Mattéi (ed.) - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Manucius.
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    ¿ Cómo interpretar que EEUU suplique a «WikiLeaks» que no publique más información secreta? 1.Miquel Comas I. Oliver - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:116-127.
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  13. Medicinas alternativas, complementarias, naturales o no convencionales.Miquel Bruguera I. Cortada - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (2):107-114.
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  14. La convulsió de 1750 referent al culte de Ramon Llull.Miquel Ferrer I. Florez - 2003 - Studia Lulliana 43 (99):103-126.
  15.  21
    “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?”: The Catalan translation of Edmund Gettier’s article with a brief introduction.Miquel Montserrat I. Capella - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 56:113.
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    The Enterprise at the Service of Society in the 21st century.Ginés Marco Perles, Pedro Francés-Gómez & Domènec Melé - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S2):65-67.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 32, Issue S2, Page 65-67, September 2023.
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    La pensée antique.Jean-François Mattéi - 2015 - Paris: Puf.
    Des présocratiques à Plotin en passant par Socrate, Platon, Aristote, Epicure et les stoïciens, Jean-François Mattéi nous convie à un voyage initiatique dans la philosophie antique. C'est à cette source que la raison occidentale se nourrit depuis des siècles. On y assiste à la naissance de la philosophie, de la physique, des mathématiques, de la politique : éblouissant feu d'artifice de la pensée comme l'histoire en a peu connu depuis lors, et qui continue de résonner dans les débats d'aujourd'hui. En (...)
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    El caso WikiLeaks como piedra de toque de la democracia deliberativa de Jürgen Habermas.Miquel Comas I. Oliver - 2012 - Dilemata 8:123-151.
    Este artículo transmite dos ideas destacadas: por un lado, defiende la justicia y la verdad de la democracia deliberativa; por el otro, denuncia el carácter ficticio del paradigma «westfaliano». Las dos hipótesis aparecen gracias a las filtraciones éticas de WikiLeaks. De cara a evaluarlas, previamente examino de forma crítica la evolución de la concepción política de Jürgen Habermas. Mi aportación es reinterpretar su deliberacionismo como una combinación entre una teoría del poder y una de la opinión pública.
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  19. De la comunicación a la cultura: nuevos retos de las políticas de comunicación.Miquel de Moragas I. Spà - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 81:12-19.
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    La barbarie intérieure: essai sur l'immonde moderne.Jean-François Mattéi - 1999 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Nietzsche dénonçait en 1887 les excitants qui ravageaient son temps : erotica, socialistica, pathologica. On y reconnaîtra les trois métaphores d'une même tendance à la régression : barbarica. La Barbarie éternelle, c'est l'informe, le matériau brut, la désolation qui crie la victoire du désert. Les Anciens avaient rejeté le Barbare aux confins de la civilisation ; les Modernes ont choisi une stratégie plus subtile : pour la dissoudre, la Raison a intégré la Barbarie au fond d'elle-même. En se coupant de (...)
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    Le sens de la démesure: Hubris et Dikè.Jean-François Mattéi - 2009 - Arles: Sulliver.
    Le vingtième siècle aura été le siècle de la démesure. La démesure de la politique avec des guerres mondiales, des déportations et des camps d'extermination, qui a culminé avec deux bombes atomiques larguées sur des populations civiles. La démesure de l'homme, ensuite, puisque ces crimes ont été commis au nom d'idéologies abstraites qui, pour sauver l'humanité, ont sacrifié sans remords les hommes réels. La démesure du monde, enfin, avec une science prométhéenne qui a tenté de percer les secrets de l'univers, (...)
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  22. Un creciente interés académico, político y empresarial por las ayudas a la prensa.Isabel Fernández Alonso & Miquel de Moragas I. Spà - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 75:68-70.
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    L'ordre du monde: Platon, Nietzsche, Heidegger.Jean-François Mattéi - 1989 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
  24. (1 other version)IFrances M. Kamm.Frances M. Kamm - 2000 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 74 (1):21-39.
    In this article I am concerned with whether it could be morally significant to distinguish between doing something 'in order to bring about an effect' as opposed to 'doing something because we will bring about an effect'. For example, the Doctrine of Double Effect tells us that we should not act in order to bring about evil, but even if this is true is it perhaps permissible to act only because an evil will thus occur? I discuss these questions in (...)
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  25. Contra el bé, la civilització i el progrés Apunts per una epistemologia de la moral relativa a les intervencions urbanístiques al Raval.Miquel Fernández González - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:156-164.
    La genealogia de la moral de Nietzsche, resulta extremadament pertinent per una epistemologia del bé relativa a les incisions institucionals sobre part de la població del Raval. Primer, sobre Raval s�haurien dut a terme tot tipus d�abusos, com destruccions d�habitatges i de trama urbana, així com persecucions o expulsions de població, pel bé del barri o de la ciutat. Si això és així, es pot afirmar que les convergències institucionals en aquest punt es sustenten en una epistemologia interessada. Segon, el (...)
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    Heidegger i el segle XX.José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec - 2002 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 34:95-103.
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  27. Nutrición específica para cachorros (parte I).Miquel Bachs - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani, Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 232--62.
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    What is the humanistic and ethical value of the “logic of gift” in business relationships? A conceptual approach.Domènec Melé - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (S1):741-758.
    One conventional view of businesses is to reduce them to mere performers of economic transactions in an exercise of exchange based on the “logic of self‐interest,” and under the criterion do ut des, meaning “I give in order that you may give.” Drawing from personalist philosophy, this article argues that financial and organizational interactions are encounters, relations between persons, not mere economic transactions. Furthermore, people involved in business have the capacity to establish relations of gratuity with others under the criterion (...)
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  29. Ignasi Casanovas i Frederic Clascar. Historiografia i recuperació del pensament del set-cents i el vuit-cents.Miquel Batllori - 2003 - Comprendre 2003 (1):21-37.
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    Contra el bé, la civilització i el progrés Apunts per una epistemologia de la moral relativa a les intervencions urbanístiques al Raval.Miquel Fernández - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:156-164.
    La genealogia de la moral de Nietzsche, resulta extremadament pertinent per una epistemologia del bé relativa a les incisions institucionals sobre part de la població del Raval. Primer, sobre Raval s’haurien dut a terme tot tipus d’abusos, com destruccions d’habitatges i de trama urbana, així com persecucions o expulsions de població, pel bé del barri o de la ciutat. Si això és així, es pot afirmar que les convergències institucionals en aquest punt es sustenten en una epistemologia interessada. Segon, el (...)
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  31. La crise de l'humanisme contemporain.Jean-François Mattéi - 2014 - In Jean-Marc Aveline & François-Xavier Amherdt, Humanismes et religions: Albert Camus et Paul Ricoeur. Berlin: Lit.
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    Questions de conscience: de la génétique au posthumanisme.Jean-François Mattéi - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Les Liens qui libèrent.
    Nous vivons une période étrange, probablement même périlleuse à bien des égards. Les avancées de la science, de la médecine et des technologies sont telles qu'elles posent désormais la question de l'avenir de notre commune humanité. Mon corps est-il ma personne ou est-il une chose? S'agit-il simplement d'un ensemble de pièces que l'on peut remplacer, ou d'une enveloppe que l'on pourrait changer? Notre destin est-il, tout entier, inscrit dans nos gènes? Avec le développement des techniques de procréation médicalement assistée, l'enfant (...)
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  33. Explicit but Not Implicit Memory Predicts Ultimate Attainment in the Native Language.Miquel Llompart & Ewa Dąbrowska - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present paper examines the relationship between explicit and implicit memory and ultimate attainment in the native language. Two groups of native speakers of English with different levels of academic attainment (i.e., high vs. low) took part in three language tasks which assessed grammar, vocabulary and collocational knowledge, as well as phonological short-term memory (assessed using a forward digit-span task), explicit associative memory (assessed using a paired-associates task) and implicit memory (assessed using a deterministic serial reaction time task). Results revealed (...)
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    El pensamiento político de Josep Torras i Bages.Miquel Bordas Prószynski - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 1 (1):27-49.
    Exposición correspondiente al acto de defensa de la Tesis Doctoral del Dr. Bordas Prószynski, intitulada El pensamiento político de Josep Torras i Bages, en la que se recorre el marco histórico-cultural de la Cataluña de finales del siglo xix y de comienzos del xx, para apreciar la aportación de la persona y de la obra de Josep Torras i Bages, obispo de Vic durante los años 1899 a 1916. El resultado de la investigación ofrece una síntesis de su pensamiento político, (...)
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    Loyalty in Business.Domènec Mele - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (1):11-26.
    Loyalty within the firm, though praised by some, is criticized by others. An analysis of the historical and current significance of theconcept of loyalty can aid in both understanding its critics and responding to them. Loyalty in the business world is generallyunderstood in three ways: i) transactional retention, ii) sentimental attraction, and iii) willingness to commit oneself. In the third type,the commitment to adhere to a person, cause, or institution may contribute to human flourishing and therefore generate the humanvirtue of (...)
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    La rationalité aux limites et les limites de la rationalité : la question de l’intégrité et de l’existence de l’espèce humaine.Paul-Antoine Miquel - 2011 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 3 (2):268-290.
    Rationality at the Limits and the Limits of Rationality:The Question of the Integrity and Existence of the Human SpeciesThe purpose of this article is to address the question of our responsibility as human beings, by taking into consideration the intersection between ethics and science. I intend to prove that the issues raised by the existence and the integrity of the human species is a new and curious form of power founded on what I call “the principle of non-reciprocity” that unites (...)
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  37. Entresijos de la controversia predestinataria en el siglo IX.Miquel Beltrán - 2009 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 16:137-148.
    El propósito del artículo es dar cuenta de ciertas peculiaridades de la controversia predestinataria queprotagonizaron, en el siglo IX, Godescalco y sus seguidores, por un lado, y Rabano Mauro e Hincmarode Reims como sus máximos oponentes. En particular nos parece de interés advertir que las diversas interpretacionesacerca de la predestinación divina tuvieron un modo distinto de aproximación por parte delas dos facciones, algo que tendría un origen, a nuestro parecer, en las antagónicas geografías espiritualesen las que se produjeron dichas especulaciones, (...)
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    Morality, Mortality Volume I: Death and Whom to Save From It.Frances Myrna Kamm - 1993 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Morality, Mortality as a whole deals with certain aspects of ethical theory and with moral problems that arise primarily in contexts involving life‐and‐death decisions. The importance of the theoretical issues is not limited to their relevance to these decisions; however, they are, rather, issues at the heart of basic moral and political theory. This first volume comprises three parts. Part I, Death: From Bad to Worse, has with four chapters, and an appendix, discussing death and why it is bad for (...)
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    The role of Gricean determinacy and the strength condition in the relevance theory for interpreting implicatures.Miquel Company - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (3).
    The notion of implicature has been a matter of discussion since Grice put it forward. He proposed a schema to explain how implicatures are generated and inferred, but the key condition it contains has been surprisingly overlooked. Davis detected it and named it determinacy, though for him this requirement raises several problems that make the whole Gricean theory of implicature untenable. I claim that, although the determinacy condition is flawed, it still captures a crucial mechanism of how implicatures are interpreted. (...)
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    Philosophy and the Middle-School Student.Louis I. Katzner & Frances Brent - 1979 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 1 (2):37-39.
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    Animals for the mayor: Barcelona’s zoo in the making of local policies and national narratives (1957–73).Miquel Carandell Baruzzi - 2022 - History of Science 60 (3):405-429.
    From 1957 to 1973, Barcelona Zoo was transformed from a small-scale, antiquated establishment harboring very few animals, a place that was still in a poor condition following the Spanish Civil War, into a new, larger, modern, and internationally recognized institution that included up-to-date animal enclosures and that boasted one of the first dolphinariums in Europe, as well as a famous white gorilla as its icon. From its very beginning, this renovation involved an intense popularization campaign. In this paper, by describing (...)
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    Mediterranean Dolphins from Miami: Knowledge and Practices in Barcelona Zoo's Aquarama.Miquel Carandell Baruzzi - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):751-772.
    In May 1965, in the midst of Franco's dictatorship in Spain, four bottlenose dolphins travelled from Miami to Barcelona Zoo. These became the inhabitants of one of the first dolphinariums in Europe. The arrival of the dolphins was preceded by two trips of the zoo's director, accompanied by an architect and a politician, to visit the installations at the Miami Seaquarium, Sea World San Diego, and Marineland of the Pacific in California. In this paper, I reflect on how knowledge and (...)
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    How I, a Christian, Have Learned from Buddhist Practice, or "The Frog Sat on the Lily Pad . . . Not Waiting".Frances S. Adeney - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):33-36.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 33-36 [Access article in PDF] How I, a Christian, Have Learned from Buddhist Practice, or "The Frog Sat on the Lily Pad... Not Waiting" Frances S. Adeney Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary As a Christian, I have practiced various forms of silent meditation. I remember sitting under the grand piano as a child of three, watching the sun flit through white curtains during our one-hour home (...)
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    El silencio como acercamiento a Dios en Maimónides.Miquel Beltrán - 2010 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 15:7-26.
    El silencio como alabanza a Dios se halla, en la teología de Maimónides, imbricado con sus consideraciones en torno a la naturaleza de la esencia de Aquél, que se revelará como absolutamente incognoscible. En Guía I Maimónides destaca que el conocimiento divino y el humano no tienen nada de común entre sí, pero aun siendo así podemos orientar nuestro intelecto hacia la consideración de Su naturaleza a través de la ‘expresión aproximativa’ , si bien ello no nos permitirá alcanzar a (...)
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    Judaísmo y Molinismo en el siglo XVII. .Consideraciones teológicas en torno al problema del Libre Albedrío.Miquel Beltrán - 1997 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 2:7.
    Silence as praise to God is directly linked in Maimonides’ theology to some asserts concerning divine nature which makes Him absolutely unknowable. In Guide I (chapters 50 to 60) Maimonides considers that divine and human knowledge and nature have nothing in common, but even so we can direct our mind towards God through ‘looseness of expression’ (tasāmuh), a device which, nevertheless, doesn’t allow us to grasp His essence. According to Maimonides, we worship God through silence even if we can express (...)
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    1 Frances Kamm.Frances Kamm - unknown
    In The Gay Science, Friedrich Nietzsche argued that only a form of philosophizing that sprung from a deep commitment to the subject could ever hope for success. ‘All great problems,’ he wrote, ‘demand great love.’ He continued: It makes the most telling difference whether a thinker has a personal relationship to his problems and finds in them his destiny, his distress, and his greatest happiness, or an ‘impersonal’ one, meaning he is only able to touch them with the antennae of (...)
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    Glossari general lul·lià.Miquel Colom Mateu - 1982 - Mallorca: Editorial Moll.
    v. 1. A-C -- v. 2. D-F -- v. 3. G-N -- v. 4. O-R -- v. 5. S-Z i apéndix.
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  48. Rationally held ‘P, but I fully believe ~P and I am not equivocating’.Bryan Frances - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (2):309-313.
    One of Moore’s paradoxical sentence types is ‘P, but I believe ~P’. Mooreans have assumed that all tokens of that sentence type are absurd in some way: epistemically, pragmatically, semantically, or assertively. And then they proceed to debate what the absurdity really is. I argue that if one has the appropriate philosophical views, then one can rationally assert tokens of that sentence type, and one can be epistemically reasonable in the corresponding compound belief as well.
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  49. How to think about mental content.Frances Egan - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (1):115-135.
    Introduction: representationalismMost theorists of cognition endorse some version of representationalism, which I will understand as the view that the human mind is an information-using system, and that human cognitive capacities are representational capacities. Of course, notions such as ‘representation’ and ‘information-using’ are terms of art that require explication. As a first pass, representations are “mediating states of an intelligent system that carry information” (Markman and Dietrich 2001, p. 471). They have two important features: (1) they are physically realized, and so (...)
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  50. The Reflective Epistemic Renegade.Bryan Frances - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81 (2):419 - 463.
    Philosophers often find themselves in disagreement with contemporary philosophers they know full well to be their epistemic superiors on the topics relevant to the disagreement. This looks epistemically irresponsible. I offer a detailed investigation of this problem of the reflective epistemic renegade. I argue that although in some cases the renegade is not epistemically blameworthy, and the renegade situation is significantly less common than most would think, in a troublesome number of cases in which the situation arises the renegade is (...)
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